Die Another Day (2002)

The fourth and final James Bond film starring Pierce Brosnan showed that the series was desperately in need of a rethink (which it would soon have with Daniel Craig). The sci-fi-tinged plot (an invisible car, a space laser like the Death Star in Star Wars) is possibly even more ludicrous than usual. There’s a bit where he’s wandering around in pyjamas and a Jesus beard after 14 months of being tortured. Halle Berry is blandly uninteresting as the female lead. John Cleese is an unfunny disaster as “Q”. There’s some awful dialogue (“Die, bitch!”). Madonna has a pointless cameo to demonstrate that she can’t act. There are cheesy slow-motion shots. And there’s a truly surreal moment when the soundtrack includes “London Calling” by The Clash. The sole redeeming feature is Judi Dench as “M”.

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